Our journey began by immersing ourselves in a bee class, absorbing the knowledge on how to adeptly manage an apiary. We are selling out of our honey each year, and we have created opportunities to sell the finest honey to upscale restaurants in our area as well. As our expertise grew, so did our beehives; we now proudly oversee 20 flourishing colonies.
Bees, once a humble endeavor, transformed into a commitment to establish a sanctuary for their prosperity, ensuring abundant food sources. In order to ensure this we have dedicated three acres to our pollinator bees to give them a full menu of the finest native plants to make honey. Many of our customers have even said it was the best honey they have ever tasted.
Next, we went to sweet corn, popcorn and Indian corn. We have committed 4.5 acres to our fully organic farming practice for sweet corn and one acre for popcorn. To date, these small-scale projects have taught the girls a work ethic, a commitment for taking care of things and an appetite to sell products. This has allowed them to see the full cycle of running a business, ultimately putting a little money in their pockets and starting on the path towards savings.
But where do we go from here? We had no reason to believe that we would enter the row crop farming game and be a market disrupter. Therefore, we went looking at how we could have an impact in farming, be a pioneer in agriculture, add margin to traditional farming practices, sell into a market that was trending higher, be different and seek to grow our operation. The answer lay in industrial hemp fiber.